
The Gathering is our weekly student service and includes games, worship, prayer, small groups, and teaching from Scripture. It's unique in that no week is ever the same. The Gathering meets at The Ridge Church on Wednesday nights, 6-8PM except holidays and other planned events

LIFEgroups are our weekly bible study and separate together time for middle school and high school students. We meet weekly in three different stages (description below). The focus of LIFEgroups is primarily study, yet includes social and service aspects as well. LIFEgroups meet in coffee shops and homes on Monday nights from 6.30-8PM except for holidays and other planned events.

Stage One: Social - The first LIFEgroup of every month meets in coffee shops and other social contexts to allow for some interaction and create an open, honest and fun atmosphere where all feel welcome.

Stage Two: Study - The following two to three weeks include time in designated study houses so that students can gather together and be led in the teaching of God's word. The environment is intimate, yet warm and inviting.

Stage Three: Serve - The final week of LIFEgroup for the month is reserved as a time for each group to serve through some sort of ministry outlet, or meeting a need in the community. This completes the LIFEgroup cycle and groups return next month at Stage One.