Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Gathering 2nite @ 530.aly Bring your favorite board/card game. Friends are a plus too. See u there.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer LIFEgroup

Started our summer LIFEgroup series in Ephesians. Nothing better than getting started with a discussion on free-will and God's foreknowledge.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Last Day Thoughts

Hello friends,

With a 13-hour van trip ahead of us, it is difficult to gather my thoughts about all that has taken place. Camp is always that undefinable event where any number of things can happen. It can be encouraging and distressing, uplifting and unsettling, ground-breaking and heart-breaking all at the same time. Needless to say, worship and teaching have been outstanding this week. Here is a quick rundown of daily occurrences:
  1. Each night was spent on the beach, worshiping through song and reflection
  2. Each meal was shared together and everyone pitched in to share the responsibilities
  3. Every session coincided almost perfectly with our personal study and group study
  4. Each student was able to hear a true Gospel message and experience amazing worship
  5. Each student was challenged to evaluate the direction of their faith
  6. We had some great bonding opportunities through recreation and small group
We've had the privilege of two camp pastors, David Nasser and Darren Whitehead. Its so hard to pick a favorite, and its probably not necessary to do so. Overall, I believe the students connected most with Darren. I'm sure the Australian accent helped. Aside from that amazing factor, Darren's message of a call to action and a Gospel-centric substance truly left an impression on the hearts of our students. Most if not all were visibly stirred to one degree or another. Whether it was a re-focus on what is important or a fresh dedication to the faith, every student responded in some tangible way this week.

Here are some highlights from the week and I'll close this last camp entry with a few final words.
  1. Beach walk encounters and being able to share the Gospel and pray with people
  2. Being able to celebrate birthdays together
  3. Dodgeball mayhem
  4. Low amount of combined sleep
  5. Meeting believers from other parts of the country
  6. Celebrating the honor of "Youth Minister of the Day" (thanks guys)
  7. Rained out day and Toy Story 3
  8. Mini-golf and go-karts
  9. Receiving the hospitality of fellow believers from another church body
  10. Decisions for Christ and decisions to serve with the body of Christ
Overall, I leave camp with a burden to grow. I desire that we would know Christ more and become active in the calling that he has placed on our lives as believers. We are called to display the kingdom of heaven here on earth by setting things right within the world and sharing the awesome power of God's word. I leave here with a refreshing view of students and their ability to perceive truth and apply it to their lives. I leave here with a renewed dedication to be on my knees for the faith of our students. And lastly, I leave here with hope. A hope in Christ, yes, but a hope in the possibilities and potential for our students. These young men and women have so many special gifts and talents and its our job as older leaders, parents and mentors to expose those gifts and encourage these students to use them for God's glory and the advancement of his kingdom. Thanks to all who have supported this cause and a special thanks goes to our incredible leaders who gave up time and family to join us this week. Take care and have a great week in the Lord.

Peace in Him,


Last night

Enjoying the teaching of Darren Whitehead. This stuff is moving our hearts.

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My peeps part two

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My peeps part one

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tonight's Message: Relate

Today was a slight change-up from David Nasser. For the remainder of the camp teaching, we will be led by Darren Whitehead of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago. His words and message today were fantastic.

Traditionally in church camps and youth evangelism events, this question is usually asked: "If you were to die tonight, do you know where you would go?" While it is useful to reflect on this question and important to know the answer, Darren flipped the question around and posed a new one: "If you didn't die tonight, how would you live?" He talked on the concept of righteousness and justice and how the two go hand-in-hand. When we are declared righteous by faith in Christ, we are reconciled to God. This is a vertical understanding of what happens at the point of salvation. But there is more. Justice the horizontal occurrence that says: "Now that I am saved, I am called to help set things right in this world."

Darren's call to our students was to be a part of something that matters, namely, the church. The church is called to shine in the darkness and be beautiful in the midst of ugly tragedy. The world should gasp, just as an audience does with a bride in her procession, at the beauty of the church. We are called to do great things for God, yet so often we view the Christian faith as a lifestyle of not doing things and avoiding sin. We get to do greater things in life because of the Gospel.

Darren encouraged us with a greater vision of the kingdom of God and challenge to step up and change. We all yearn to be a part of something that matters.

Quiet Time

Enjoying the view and spending time in God's word. For parents following along, we're on day three.

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Good Morning

Getting ready for another morning session.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tonight's Message: Repent

Speaking from 2 Corinthians 5.17 and real life experience, David shared with us the importance of repentance. To repent is to have a sorrowful turning. We are to turn from self and turn to Christ.

David's gospel message was right on! This is the core of Christian salvation and it was presented in a real and tangible way in order for the students to fully know the necessity and power of repentance. This is not a recommit to try better, this a turn to God and a desperate crying out of "I'm tired of my old ways, I'm ready to trust in you Lord." This is found in Christ alone (John 14.6).

Tonight we had a great worship time on the beach in front of the roaring waves hitting the shore. The moon shone down as we sang "How He Loves" and talked a little about God's glory as described in Psalm 24 and 46. Do you see God as glorious? How do you view creation? Do you see God as powerful or do you take what you see and have for granted? What things in your life are you making more glorious than God? These questions, and more, are what we wrestled with tonight in small group and our large beach gathering. Parents, I encourage you to ponder these as well as your students ask themselves these questions. Take care and we'll check in again soon.

Ready to worship

Waiting to start the morning. Worship has been awesome so far!

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Big waves

Good morning. Its cloudy and a little rainy but God's ocean is amazing.

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Tonight's Message: Respond

David Nasser brought the word tonight. Funny and thoughtful, the students enjoyed tonight's message and worship. David focused in on Isaiah's encounter of God in Isaiah 6.1-5.

He encouraged the students to take in this event and truly remember their encounter with God, such as Isaiah did. His main point was this: you will know when you encounter God and he will be the center of your attention and worship. He is "holy, holy, holy." Separate and other than anything on earth. He is high and exalted and powerful. Isaiah's response was one of worship and fear: "Woe is me!" He encountered God and all he could do is worship and understand that he was unworthy.

God wants to ruin us. He wants to rid us of our perceived importance and turn our attention to himself. He loves us so much that he wants to make us low and forget about ourselves. David's encouragement to the students and to us was: has God ruined your life? Have you been ruined for God in such a way that Isaiah was? We must respond.

Here to Worship

Unhindered rocks our face off with worship.

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First meal

Enjoying fajitas. JEALOUS?

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Gum Challenge

Dominick enjoying his gumballs from his care package. Maybe a little too much. Is 20 gumballs too much?

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We are here for night one. Check out this sweet pad.

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Packing for camp

Ready for bed but gotta finish packing....

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Gathering 2nite @ our new summer time of 530. Rock Band tournament then some good Jesus time. C u there!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ping Pong returns! The Gathering 2nite @ 630. Tell a friend about your mad pong skills.