David Nasser brought the word tonight. Funny and thoughtful, the students enjoyed tonight's message and worship. David focused in on Isaiah's encounter of God in Isaiah 6.1-5.
He encouraged the students to take in this event and truly remember their encounter with God, such as Isaiah did. His main point was this: you will know when you encounter God and he will be the center of your attention and worship. He is "holy, holy, holy." Separate and other than anything on earth. He is high and exalted and powerful. Isaiah's response was one of worship and fear: "Woe is me!" He encountered God and all he could do is worship and understand that he was unworthy.
God wants to ruin us. He wants to rid us of our perceived importance and turn our attention to himself. He loves us so much that he wants to make us low and forget about ourselves. David's encouragement to the students and to us was: has God ruined your life? Have you been ruined for God in such a way that Isaiah was? We must respond.

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