Sunday, June 14, 2009

Scoffers, fools, wise....

Super camp day! Is it Sunday? Wow. Miss Joda has been cookin' some great food, the beach has been beautiful, and the sessions have been phenomenal! We did some games at Adventure Island today as well as some dodgeball on the beach. Thanks again to all your guys for great emails! Keep em' coming on the last day!

Today Stuart Hall gave us the challenge to be wise. Some of us are foolish and some are even scoffers (put down those who do good) but God has called us to a life of wisdom. Life is more than just a series of right or wrong decisions, it's about being wise. This kind of mentality breaks the mold of many "churchianity" teachings about right or wrong, Stu shared a very impactful story regarding a previous student that he knew who chose to do un-wise things and ended up dead. Without sharing all the gruesome details, needless to say it was a tragedy. Are we living wise lives? Are we looking to just go as far as we can without doing something wrong, or are we dedicated to wisdom in all areas of living? These were some great words to all students and leaders!

Compassion International has had a strong presence throughout the camp and today a young man from Kenya shared his story about becoming a child sponsored by CI. He is living proof that the pictures of these children that one chooses to support are been nourished, both physically and spiritually, and are growing up to be mighty men and women of God. If you don't already, take a moment to hop over to Compassion International's site and start sponsoring a child today. If you already have one, do another! What a great opporunity to make a large impact with a small amount.

So yeah, again, I managed to get to the room without any pics to load (the ladies have all cameras) but tomorrow we'll finally throw up some choice pics from the week. Continue to pray for fruit to come forth from our students. Continue to pray for soft and open hearts. And most of all continue to pray for salvation and true heart change in the lives of our students who don't know Christ. Thank you parents and others for your awesome encouragement, support and love and check back with us tomorrow for a last day update. Take care and have a great day in the Lord!

With sand between my toes,

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