Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Well Hello There.
Hello, today....
Here we are, the final full day of camp. There are, as expected, many emotions churning because of it...but a lot of excitement as well.
It has been such a blessing to see and hear what God is doing in many of our students' lives. To see and hear what is happening in their hearts is a huge encouragement. It's so refreshing to walk out in the morning and see the 30 or so of them scattered out and around the property in the Word in study. All of our balconies, though not connected, are in view of each other- and it is quite the sight from my room to look out and see all of them on their patios in their small group studies.
I'm quite limited on time (have to go help get things prepared for when they come in at lunch), but I want you to know one thing- God is moving.
Be praying for the continued work of the Spirit in the lives of our group. It seems like the distractions of home, the beach, and the lights and sound of the services are distracting some of our students- pray that they hear the Lord clearly through the fog.
God's big- live it.
Worship at 6:15, listen in.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Another Day, Another State.

Day 2 is coming to a close, and we're settling in nicely to our sweet cribs for the week. Somewhere between the beach front rooms and the 42" plasma hanging on the wall in the High School girls condo makes me think that we're a bit spoiled.
We rolled into the OB a little after lunch time and were whisked away into the crazy world of Student Life. I headed into a Leaders meeting while the group waited on the last van to arrive at the condos- apparently written directions and a train of white vans is hard to keep up with....oops? As soon as everyone was accounted for, Diane took off to the store to get the food for the week....she came back with a loaded van, and within about 30 minutes, she had everything put up in its place along with dinner on the table for the 30 of us. Ridiculous- rest assured we will be eating like royalty this week.
Worship was great tonight. Aaron Keyes did an amazing job of ushering the group before the throne, all the while taking the time to make his heart known for the week. The talk tonight was also encouraging, and we're looking forward to hearing Adam for the first time (something came up and he wasn't able to be in town tonight on time, so a SL staffer lead us into the Word tonight).
There's a lot of buzz in our group about the way we feel the Lord is already working in awesome ways as we begin our time here. Our church group time was such an encouragement to all of us tonight. I was beyond impressed with our students and their hearts for this week and each other.
I mean it this time when I say I'll upload some pictures tomorrow...we're trying to wind down at the moment. Worship is at 8pm (c) tomorrow, so listen in.
Be blessed.
Be encouraged.
Go Celtics.
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 1 is practically under our belts...580 miles down...only 130 to go. Tomorrow will be a cupcake...if cupcakes were made of large smelly vans.
We're safe in Long Beach, MS @ New Life Church. It's a definite blessing to have this body open up their building in such a loving and trustworthy way.
I'll post some pictures tomorrow, likely when I'm a little more awake.
Be blessed.
Friday, June 13, 2008
It's Almost Here!
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